Saturday, August 29, 2009

Azores v. 4.12

The perfect flying machine. It's amazing how Cory's shearwaters are able to "surf" every ripple of the ocean's surface (which this image fails to show), without touching the water, and using all the energy for their flight. This image is a small tribute to a run over Cory's shearwater I saw yesterday...

Common dolphins and Cory's shearwater chasing a "ball" of fish. Notice the baby-dolphin just next to mama-dolphin.

Another common dolphin says hi...

A 15 minute exposure with some cows preparing to sleep and Pico mountain in the background. I used a flashlight to "paint" the cows.
Got a plane to catch...
I can't wait to see the underwater shots... this film-age waiting thing is agonizing, I missed it :)


Teresa Godinho said...

Fantástico, Pedro...
Que saudades dos Açores...

Rob B said...

This final set of pictures is great!

Two Voices said...

Lovely picture. I wish I was there!
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