Saturday, August 22, 2009

Azores v. 4.6

This is São Roque do Pico, as seen from São Miguel Arcanjo.

At the end of the day, the omnipresent Pico mountain looked like a nuclear blast.

A common tern (Sterna hirundo), garajau in portuguese, shows how to lick the elbow.

I bet these are all females ;)

I like this image as it shows the common tern lit by the sun and a dark cloud looming behind it. This is rather typical in the Azores, the weather changes every minute.

I found it very hard to keep their flight within the frame, they are lightning fast!

1 comment:

Carla Navio said...

Que bonito...
As fotos estão o máximo e o artista está de parabéns!
A tecnologia funciona mesmo como uma extensão dos nossos sentidos. E quando digo sentidos não falo só na visão...consegues transmitir muito mais do que isso.
Continuação de boas férias :)