Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Contrast #1

Food rationing in Cuba. Every year since 1962, cuban families are given a Libreta de Abastecimiento, a booklet stating the portions of food that each family can buy at the local bodega at subsidized prices. Those portions vary according to the number of persons in each family and their ages. The government states that the amount of food each cuban is allowed to buy through this system comprises a third of the daily needs. The other two thirds are hard to get with an average monthly salary under $17 USD, as the prices soar outside the food rationing system. Careful meal planning is thus required, giving little space for futile needs to stem. You can see it in their eyes.


ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ said...

Nice blog.Looks like you have visited the "caribbean Paradise" more recently than I. You may be interested in my other posts on Cuba
or do a site search for others. Keep traveling!

Pedro Ferrão Patrício said...

Thanks, Leonidas!
Actually, I went to Cuba in August 2005.
You have very interesting posts!
Keep up... and keep traveling also :)