Tuesday, June 12, 2007

To start with...

I still don't really know what first prompted me to create this blog...
Truth is this is one of those "projects" you manage the time to do, in spite of all the real projects you have to do. Classic.

The idea is somewhat similar to "Panoramio", but with the possibility to add some more words and... to have a black background (...).

I cherish all my photos (good and bad ones) of trips I have made, as they consistently remind me of good things ... sure enough, only a very small percentage makes the cut. These are the ones I will share on this blog.

Oh, and Mac is my boss/cat... to which a trip to the vet seems like traveling around the world.


Anonymous said...

And what about dogs? Don't you rather have the "Man's best Friend" has a travel companion?

Pedro Ferrão Patrício said...

Dogs are great, also.
...but can they read? (check the new blog subtitle) ;)